
EPA Pulls an About-Face, Green Lights Project That Will Damage Crucial Wetlands
December 09, 2020 — The decision removes a major hurdle for the Yazoo Pumps, a flood-control structure that will also drain wetlands that host millions of birds each year.
A New Take for the Trillion Trees Act
December 09, 2020 — Senate version of bill preserves environmental protections while supporting forests.
New 'Trillion Trees' Bill in Senate will Protect Birds While Making Progress on Climate Change
December 09, 2020 — An alternative to earlier legislation from the House, the new bill supports natural solutions to climate change while preserving environmental protections.
These 5 Threatened Places Could Be Spared Under Biden
December 04, 2020 — From coastal Alaska to a Georgia swamp, public lands that lost protection in the Trump years may get a reprieve in the new administration.
The Border Wall Has Been ‘Absolutely Devastating' for People and Wildlife
December 01, 2020 — President-elect Joe Biden's pledge to halt construction is a start, but activists say tearing down the barrier is ultimately what's needed.
On the Alaska Coast, Native Women Are Reviving a Cozy Tradition
November 24, 2020 — The Yup’ik art of sewing feather-lined parkas for babies was nearly lost after the government outlawed the spring waterfowl hunt. Luckily, a centenarian Elder remembered how it’s done.
In Florida's Plan to Take Over Wetland Permits, Critics See a Gift to Developers
November 23, 2020 — The state doesn't have the resources or track record to assume a major program from the federal government, environmentalists say.
How the Race for a COVID-19 Vaccine Jeopardizes East Coast Shorebirds
November 20, 2020 — Vaccine production requires the blood of horseshoe crabs, whose eggs are a vital food source for several species, including Red Knots. A synthetic replacement for the blood exists, but the United States is stuck in the past.
Washington's Wildfires Put the State's Sage-Grouse Population at High Risk
November 12, 2020 — The habitat destruction was so severe that biologists have recommended uplisting the species from threatened to endangered in the state.
What Biden's Presidential Win Means for Birds and the Environment
November 09, 2020 — Climate and conservation activists see opportunities for the president-elect to make major progress beginning on day one.