
Green Light for Largest Offshore Wind Project in the U.S. is a Hopeful Restart for Birds
February 22, 2021 — The revived Vineyard Wind Project will be a powerful force for reducing emissions, protecting both people and wildlife from the effects of climate change.
Remembering Gonzalo Cardona, Protector of the Yellow-eared Parrot
February 19, 2021 — The Colombian conservationist was murdered in January after counting the birds he helped save from extinction.
The Interior Least Tern's Comeback Is a Model Conservation Success
February 18, 2021 — The inland population of America’s littlest tern recently left the endangered species list. Here's how conservationists brought the birds back.
Biden Halts Trump Rule That Gutted a Landmark Bird Protection Law
February 05, 2021 — The rollback of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act was set to take effect February 8, but now the new rule is in trouble.
Biden Halts Oil and Gas Leasing in a Slew of New Climate Actions
January 28, 2021 — The president also set a goal of conserving 30 percent of the country’s land and water by 2030 and took steps to boost the clean-energy economy.
Tens of Millions of Western Birds Depend on These Two Regions During Migration
January 26, 2021 — California’s Central Valley and the Colorado River Delta are critical stopover sites for dozens of migrant species, according to new research.
Biden Wields His Pen on Day One to Reverse Trump's Environmental Rollbacks
January 21, 2021 — The 46th president rejoined the Paris agreement, axed the Keystone XL pipeline, and directed agencies to start dismantling his predecessor's policies that were harmful to the environment and human health.
Trump Administration Drastically Slashes Protections for Northern Spotted Owls
January 15, 2021 — The Interior secretary cut more than one-third from the bird's critical habitat just after his department said it should be listed as endangered.
The Arctic Refuge Lease Sale Was a Flop
January 07, 2021 — As many predicted, the first auction of oil rights in the wildlife refuge earned taxpayers a tiny fraction of what pro-drilling politicians promised.
Trump to Birds: Drop Dead
January 05, 2021 — Just days before leaving office, the administration has finalized its three-year rush to gut the Migratory Bird Treaty Act—despite a court ruling that its position is against the law and will increase preventable bird deaths.