From Audubon Magazine

A bright green kakapo emerges from a bag on the ground held open by a person's hands.
On Mainland New Zealand, Crafty Kākāpō Are Thwarting Reintroduction Efforts
March 13, 2024 — Ten of the critically endangered parrots were released into a sanctuary in 2023 with hopes of eventually establishing a wild population. The only problem? The birds keep escaping.
A Black-throated Blue Warbler stands on a branch looking at the camera in front of an out-of-focus green background.
As Spring Shifts Earlier, Many Migrating Birds Are Struggling to Keep Up
March 07, 2024 — With the climate warming, leaves and blooms are popping out ahead of schedule. A wide-ranging new study shows why this trend is troubling for a variety of bird species.
Two doves stand on a rock gently preening each others necks against a green out-of-focus background.
10 Fun Facts About the Mourning Dove
March 04, 2024 — Wing whistlers, chaotic nesters, and ... milk drinkers? These birds may be common, but they’re anything but boring.
A large beaver dam holds back a pond. In the background, a person in a blue jacket walks beside the pond in a foggy green landscape.
In the Arctic, Beavers Are Climate Winners. Should We Let Them Take Over?
February 27, 2024 — The voracious builders are reshaping the tundra, and generating controversy about whether their presence is cause for concern—or hope—in a warming world.
Landscape with a blue lake and forest seen through colorful fall foliage in the foreground and mountains in the background.
On Our Flight Path
December 05, 2023 — How we are setting ourselves up for even greater success in 2024.
A researcher holds a gray bird and attaches a geotag to its back.
An Unwavering Focus
December 04, 2023 — Birds and the scientists striving to protect them are tenacious.
Two adult albatrosses tend to a fuzzy chick in its nest.
A Single Mexican Island May Be Our Best Hope for Saving Black-footed Albatrosses
November 18, 2023 — To secure the future of the imperiled seabirds, scientists are transporting eggs from Hawaii to Mexico, where Laysan Albatross foster parents await.
A woman in winter gear walks through deep snow down a hill surrounded by evergreen trees, a vast snowy mountainous landscape in the background.
As Stands of Whitebark Pine Disappear, Could the Clark's Nutcracker Soon Follow?
November 18, 2023 — A intrepid researcher faces steep odds as she attempts to study nutcrackers in the Cascade Mountains. But the birds—and the singular trees they help sustain—are too important for her not to persist.
The Bone-Eating Bearded Vulture Is Reclaiming Europe’s Skies
November 17, 2023 — Once widely persecuted, the majestic scavenger is making a remarkable rebound in Europe, but new threats could undermine a full recovery.
A Force of Conservation, the Endangered Species Act Faces a Fraught Future
November 17, 2023 — Fifty years after its passage, the powerful policy has proven effective at preventing wildlife from going extinct. Only with innovation and advocacy can it continue to do so for decades to come.