From Audubon Magazine

In a Tumultuous Year, Science and Steadfast Action Provide a Path Forward
September 28, 2020 — Our fall issue spotlights researchers and conservationists doing what it takes, in the face of overwhelming odds, to keep people and birds safe.
Street Trees Could Plant the Seed for a More Equitable Los Angeles
September 27, 2020 — The city has a growing green canopy, but its benefits aren't equally distributed. Meet the woman charged with changing that.
Reimagining the Black-billed Magpie
September 27, 2020 — Artist Lauren Tamaki captures the chatter of these vocal western corvids.
Forget the Roses, Give the White House a Native Plant Garden
September 09, 2020 — The dustup over First Lady Melania Trump's recent renovation misses a bigger problem with the Rose Garden: It's too heavy on introduced species.
Alaska’s Wild Places Face a Barrage of Big Development Projects
August 21, 2020 — As President Trump’s first term nears its end, major land-use decisions are coming due, with massive stakes for the environment.
Interior Department Finalizes Plan to Drill in the Arctic Refuge
August 17, 2020 — Legal challenges are inevitable, but the Trump administration aims to hold the first-ever sale of oil and gas leases in the refuge this year.
Court Strikes Down Trump Administration Policy That Let Companies Kill Birds
August 12, 2020 — In a major victory for conservation groups, a federal judge ruled that the Migratory Bird Treaty Act covers unintentional but avoidable avian deaths.
Ask Kenn Kaufman: Why Do Birds Abandon Nests for No Apparent Reason?
August 06, 2020 — Also this month: How did Hawaii get its owls? And who is the best ear birder Kenn's ever met?
Marine Heatwaves Can Scatter Ocean Wildlife More Than a Thousand Miles
August 05, 2020 — A new study finds that these extreme events at sea can rapidly redistribute habitats and animals, including fish and seabirds.
Remembering Toni Morrison, the Bird Whisperer
August 05, 2020 — A year after Morrison’s passing, a journalist and birder reflects on how her time with the cherished author changed her relationship with birds—and with herself.