Great Egret. Great Egret. Mary Giraulo/Audubon Photography Awards

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Great Egret Society

The Great Egret Society is a group of Audubon’s most passionate donors who help protect and defend birds with generous contributions of $500 or more annually. We are incredibly grateful for this outstanding level of support.

Most Recent Great Egret Society Content

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Birds on the Move
White-crowned Sparrows
Birds on the Move

Nearly 350 Audubon members describe a favorite fall migration story.

The Joy of Being a Bird Ambassador
A woman and child birding together
The Joy of Being a Bird Ambassador

More than 300 Audubon members described a time when they introduced others to the wonderful world of birds.

Remember that Audubon depends on your support to do the conservation work that we do.
Bird Safety a Concern in National Push to Build More Power Lines
July 29, 2021 — A carbon-free power sector will require vast new transmission infrastructure, but it shouldn't come at the cost of wildlife, advocates say.
Nature-based Solutions Needed From Panama’s Coastal Mangroves to Canada’s Boreal Forest
July 28, 2021 — Birds, like so many other living things, rely on the richness of life along our coasts for survival.
Getting the Low-Down on Advocacy from Sally Puent
July 28, 2021 — It’s all about practice, and knowing what your goals are.
Florida's Early and Severe Red Tide Raises Concern for Coastal Bird Safety
July 23, 2021 — As harmful algal blooms kill off fish and sicken birds in the Tampa Bay area, conservationists worry that nesting Black Skimmers, terns, and other shorebird species could be at risk from eating tainted seafood.
A Swainson's Thrush painted in the Vashon Audubon Mural. The secretive, small brown woodland bird is projected to lose 46 percent of its summer breeding range in Washington State if global warming continues apace.
The Audubon Mural Project Lands in the Pacific Northwest
July 22, 2021 — On Washington's Vashon Island, the community has embraced a public art initiative to inspire conservation of local climate-threatened species.
Congress Is Set to Remove a Longstanding Barrier to Listing Greater Sage-Grouse Under the Endangered Species Act
July 22, 2021 — For years, an obscure budget provision has blocked the federal government from protecting the fast-declining birds. That may be about to change.
Electric Utilities, Long Anchored by Coal, Are Starting to Break for Renewables
July 21, 2021 — Renewable electricity will save money in the long run. But that’s tough logic for utilities desperate to earn every penny from their fossil-fuel investments.
An Urban Oasis Grows in Baltimore—With Justice and Nature In Mind
July 21, 2021 — Through hustle and vision, Atiya Wells founded a green space from unused land that serves its community's needs.
The Age of Aridification on the Mighty Colorado River
July 20, 2021 — Ten strategies to mitigate the dryness of the West’s most critical water source.
The Entire Colorado River Basin is in Crisis
July 16, 2021 — We need climate action, now.