Great Egret. Great Egret. Mary Giraulo/Audubon Photography Awards

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Great Egret Society

The Great Egret Society is a group of Audubon’s most passionate donors who help protect and defend birds with generous contributions of $500 or more annually. We are incredibly grateful for this outstanding level of support.

Most Recent Great Egret Society Content

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Birds on the Move
White-crowned Sparrows
Birds on the Move

Nearly 350 Audubon members describe a favorite fall migration story.

The Joy of Being a Bird Ambassador
A woman and child birding together
The Joy of Being a Bird Ambassador

More than 300 Audubon members described a time when they introduced others to the wonderful world of birds.

Remember that Audubon depends on your support to do the conservation work that we do.
Audubon's 2024 Water Priorities at the Arizona Capitol
February 12, 2024 — Audubon and partners advocate for smart water policies to protect Arizona's water.
Department of Interior’s Long-term Commitment to Sagebrush Health Wins Praise from Sportsmen & Conservation Groups 
February 08, 2024 — Restoration to conserve “best of the best” remaining sagebrush habitat 
An eagle flying in front of the sun.
How New Incidental Take Permits Can Protect Bald and Golden Eagles at Wind Energy Sites
February 08, 2024 — The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has an improved permitting process that benefits eagles.
A bald eagle flies over a blue sky.
New U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Permit Expands Coverage for Wind Energy and Conservation of Eagles
February 08, 2024 — Audubon worked with partners to ensure that the permitting benefits Bald and Golden Eagle conservation.
Mississippi River to Build Resilience for Birds and People with Newly Introduced Bill
February 07, 2024 — Audubon backs legislation that would protect water quality and restore bird habitat.
A White-chinned Jacamar perched on a thin tree branch, in a forested area, with its beak slightly ajar.
The 124th Christmas Bird Count: An Annual Event Connecting Birders Across the Hemisphere
February 07, 2024 — Take a tour of Christmas Bird Counts ranging from coastal Texas to the savannahs and forests of Colombia and back to the Eastern Seaboard.
The New PBS Nature Special Highlights Epic Shorebird Migrations
February 05, 2024 — “Flyways” calls attention to avian voyages and the challenges birds face.
A group of people stand in a suburban lawn all looking in the same direction with cameras and binoculars.
Birdist Rule #84: Know the Dos and Don'ts of a Rare Bird Stakeout
February 05, 2024 — When going for a vagrant, it’s important to remember that everyone is on the same team.
Congratulations GRAMMY Award WINNER For The Birds: The Birdsong Project
February 02, 2024 — This birdy boxed set wins a GRAMMY Award for Best Boxed or Special Limited Edition Package
How to Choose a Photography Workshop that Respects and Protects Birds
February 02, 2024 — These tips can help you get great pictures and keep the birds you love safe with a guide or group.