This year nearly 1,800 photographers from across the United States and Canada submitted more than 6,000 images to the 11th annual Audubon Photography Awards. Our expert judging panel had the difficult task of choosing just six winners and four honorable mentions from the pool, but with so many awe-inspiring submissions, we always enjoy picking some favorites that didn't make the final cut.
As usual, we've selected 100 additional photographs, shown here in no particular order. During this year of collective tragedy and canceled plans, we are especially grateful to share a gallery that displays even a small slice of global birdlife in all of its stunning and joyous variety, from acrobatic Ospreys to hungry hummingbirds to busy woodpeckers.
We hope these shots inspire you to appreciate and perhaps try to capture the beauty of birds yourself. Our photography section has everything you need to get started, including tips and how-to’s, gear recommendations, and Audubon's ethical guidelines for wildlife photography. With skill, patience, and maybe a little luck, you could find your shot at taking top honors in our 2021 awards.