Farley Green
Farley’s vast professional food experience spans planting vegetables on a farm to marketing and communications for high-profile chefs at acclaimed restaurants. But she’s most passionate about transparency in food and ensuring that working lands can be better managed to provide environmental benefits – for people and wildlife alike. This interest led her to the National Audubon Society, where she works to promote the organization’s Conservation Ranching program and its accompanying land certification, the Audubon Certified bird-friendly seal, a fast-growing certification on beef and bison products noting their source as lands managed for birds and biodiversity. Marketing for Audubon Conservation Ranching is the culmination of all her experience and interests–food, regenerative farming, and environmental conservation. Farley enjoys spending time with her nine nieces and nephews, cooking, gardening, hiking, and traveling.
Contact Farley Green at farley.green@audubon.org.